Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What was the most rewarding experience of our GNML online program?

The most rewarding experience of this project was to look at things from a different angle. I was always complaining about corruption in Armenia, how it was impossible to go to college, or to see a doctor , or to have honest elections and so on. What I was doing wrong was I was just complaining without trying to find solutions. I was thinking about moving out of country when I would grow up, live somewhere else, somewhere "better" without corrupt life. But something changed when I started taking this project serious, it changed me! GNML taught me that we can change and we have to make a change. It made me look for solutions, which was one of the most challenging but at the same time rewarding experiences in this program. I have been thinking about my life after I go back home and continue my regular life. I think about the changes I want to make, I think about all different opportunities I will have to do make a difference. This program has taught me that there are problems everywhere in the world and that we have to admit that we have the problems and look for solutions. GNML has made me a better person which is the most rewarding experience for me.

What is the most important thing you learned in our GNML online program?

The most important thing I learned during this program was that I can make a difference! During completing each online session I learned how to make a strong online platform where everyone interested in the same issue can find a solution. Since my project was to prevent corruption in Armenia, I tried to create a place where it will be easy to give a testimony or to find others like you or simply see that you are not the only victim! Before this project I thought that a change can not be done by a single person, but after completing all the work I needed for this project I realized that no, a change can be done by a single person and even more:I can be that person! GNML has made me believe in me as a future leader and a person who can bring about change. When I watched the video about the man who was responsible for the revolution in Egypt, only proved to me the point above. The day I just started this project, I was a person who didn't believe in herself and the things she could accomplish, today I am a confident young lady, full of optimistic views and strong believes in one's power. This is the most important thing I learned in GNML project!

What was the most challenging experience of our GNML online program?

GNML has been a very successful project for me, which has taught me many skills. But this accomplishment has come with some challenges! The most challenging part of this project for me was to take the role of Social Media serious and be able to use it as a powerful device for public engagement. Since the first day I have learned what Social Media is,I have thought of it as a device for entertainment and nothing more. With this program I had to think of it as something more than that!I had to make my own platform which would help me prevent one of the biggest Social problems in Armenia by using Social Media such as Blogger, Facebook, Twitter etc.. It was challenging for me to believe in Facebook's or Twitter's persuasive power and use it in my own goals! But due to the online materials suggested with each session I have been able to learn more and more and overcome this challenge. Now I know exactly what Social Media can do, and I will never underestimate it's power anymore!